胡善淳 Shan-Chun Hu/Project Manager

Always smiling, Tirelessly thinking

Name Shan-Chun Hu
Nick Name Leon
Gender Male
Position Project Manager
Motto Always smiling, Tirelessly thinking
Self Introduction Nothing
Language Japanese, Chinese
Hobby Karaoke、TRPG、Games from the US and Europe
Skill Japanese translation and interpretation, Information Analysis
Favorite Aim for the Top GunBuster, Revolutionary Girl Utena
Idol People who can do something I can’t do.
Goal I want to join works that are impressive and have a meaningful story
Experience Nothing



  1. Ching-Wen Chiang/Art designer

  2. 豊園朋裕 Toyozono Tomohiro/Project Mana…

  3. 松山千鶴 Chizuru Matsuyama / Assistant …

  4. 鍾宜叡 Yi-Jui Chung/Project Manager, A…

  5. 簡林佳儒 Lin-jia-ru Jian/3D Animation C…

  6. 金本 真 Makoto Kanemoto/President
